
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Are you looking for Low Cost Affordable Health Care?

You can use this Little Known Health Information right now!  There is health information available you probably will never hear about from your doctor.  You would be lucky to find it in a library.  Yet, this information has helped millions of people all over the world.  You, too, can benefit from this information.

From the Hesperian site ( “Hesperian Health Guides is a health information and health education source that supports individuals and communities in their struggles to realize the right to health. We develop easy to read materials that are produced in many languages. All are available through our bookstore and interactive digital resource center.”

Even in developed countries, people are struggling to manage the rising cost of healthcare.  No matter where you live in the world, you might find this information helpful.  Here is something you can do to help yourself and your community, starting today.

Hesperian Health Guides cover many health topics.  Some titles are below.
  1. Where There Is No Doctor
  2. Helping Health Workers Learn
  3. Where There Is No Dentist
  4. Disabled Village Children
  5. Where Women Have No Doctor
  6. A Book for Midwives
  7. Helping Children Who Are Blind
  8. Helping Children Who Are Deaf
  9. A health Handbook for Women with Disabilities
  10. A Community Guide to Environmental Health
  11. HIV, Health and Your Community
  12. Pesticides are Poison
  13. Sanitation and Cleanliness

Now you know this information is available.  What are you going to do about it?  Here are some ideas:

  • Consider buying some of these books for yourself or others.  Maybe you could donate books to your local library.  Find places to distribute this information. 
  • Subscribe to the e-newsletter and see how Hesperian Guides can help you, your community, or your country.  
  • Let your local newspaper know about this.  They might like to do a story.  
  • If you are a writer or blogger, consider writing about how Hesperian Health Guides have helped millions all over the world.
  • Show the books to your doctor.  Ask them what they think, but evaluate the information for yourself.  You are in charge of your own health care.
  • If you find the information helpful, spread the word.  Use social media to your benefit.  Maybe others would like to learn about common sense health care.
  • Donate time or money to help Hesperian Health Guides.
  • Inform your local schools, worship centers, community centers, etc. about Hesperian Health Guides.  Maybe these guides could become part of the curriculum or program.  Homeless shelters might also be interested.
  • Share how Hesperian Guides have helped you.  Others can brainstorm and build on your experiences.
  • Ask your government officials, even your president, to endorse and distribute materials like this to the public.  This information and education could be an essential part of “Healthcare Reform”.  Government health agencies might also be interested.
  • Contact Hesperian Health Guides.  Introduce yourself.  Ask how you can help.  Offer suggestions.  Let them know what a great job they are doing.
  • Do not give up.  You can create affordable healthcare, no matter where you live.  You have a right to be as healthy and happy as you can.

For more information –

Health-care reform and the right to health in the USA by Turiano, Laura et al. Lancet; 12/5/2009, Vol. 374 Issue 9705, p1887-1887, 2/3p, 1 Color Photograph

What We Can Learn from Developing Countries: The Community Based Rehabilitation Model by Zambone, Alana et al. - Rural Special Education Quarterly; Fall2010, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p29-34, 6p, 1 Diagram, 1 Chart

Disclaimer – Article is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. 

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